The registration fee is $450 dlls. for Members of the Division of Polymer Chemistry or $4500 MN for Members of the Mexican Polymer Society and $500 dlls. ($5000 MN) for Non-Members with a discount of $50 dlls. ($500 MN) for early registration (before October 17, 2014). Fees are $150 dlls. ($1500 MN) for Students and discount of $50 dlls. ($500 MN) for early registration of a student. Written cancellation will cost $50 dlls. ($500 MN). Checks may be made payable to the Sociedad Polimérica de México A.C.
To register send the completed registration form with remittance to Lesia Linkous, Division of Polymer Chemistry, Inc., Virginia Tech, 410 Davidson Hall, M.C. 0279, Blacksburg, VA 24061, Phone: 540-231- 3052, Fax: 540-231-2588, e-mail:, web:
For Mexican participants pay at Banamex account 38763 Normalistas to Sociedad Polimerica de México A.C. Suc. 980. For online transferences use Clave Bancaria Estándar 002320098000387633;
Please send by e-mail your payment proof to Dr. Antonio Martínez-Richa at