Dr. Antonio Martínez-Richa is a Professor of Polymer Science at the University of Guanajuato, México, since 1995. He received his M. Sc. Degree in Organic Chemistry in 1983, from Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del IPN (CINVESTAV-México) and his Ph.D. in Polymer Science and Engineering from the Department of Macromolecular Science, Case Western Reserve University in 1994.
His research interests include: - Solid-state NMR, liquid crystal polymers, polyimides, aliphatic polyesters by chemical methods and biocatalysis, biomaterials, biodegradation tests, structure property relationships Materials Synthesis - In-Vitro synthesis of biodegradable materials (polyesters, polyurethanes and their composites) - Fermentation methods to quantitatively produce lipases. Chemical Methods - Polysaccharide modification as a route to biodegradable polymers. - Ring-opening polymerization methods Biodegradation Testing - Controlled laboratory-scale simulations of various parameters to evaluate polymer degradation kinetics. - Development of drug-delivery systems - Isolation of microorganisms active in environmental polymer degradation. - Purification and characterization of enzymes active in polymer degradation. Nanomaterials - Synthesis and characterization of nanocomposite polymers based on PUs - Nanocomposite membranes
National Researcher (level 3 since 2015), Sistema Nacional de Investigadores, CONACyT President Mexican Polymer Society (SPM), 2009-2011. He is now Treasurer of SPM Staff Scientist, Celanese Mexicana, Chemical and Polymer Division, México City. 1986-1995 Visiting Scientist, Hoechst-Celanese RLM Technical Center, 1993-1994. Head of Chemical Laboratory (DEHYDAG), Henkel Chemicals, México City, 1985 Research Associate, CINVESTAV-IPN 1984-1985. Consultant (registered in CONACYT, RCCT-E00045).